Maintenance Services FAQs

Here are some of the frequently asked questions

1. What is Lebern’s maintenance service?
Answer: Lebern’s maintenance service is a low cost recurring maintenance service which covers all labour costs for maintenance queries

2. Why is maintenance provided by Lebern important?
Answer: Maintenance provided by Lebern is essential to have a fixed cost of maintenance for the year.

3. What is preventive maintenance according to Lebern?
Answer: Preventive maintenance, as provided by Lebern, is a proactive approach that involves regular inspections, cleaning, lubrication, and adjustment to prevent breakdowns and identify potential issues early on such as PAT testing.

4.  How can I request maintenance service from Lebern?
Answer: You can request maintenance services online 

5. Are Lebern’s maintenance technicians certified and experienced?
Answer:  Yes, Lebern’s maintenance technicians are highly skilled, certified, and experienced in performing maintenance tasks across various industries.

6. How long does a typical maintenance service from Lebern take?
Answer: The duration of a maintenance service from Lebern depends on the complexity of the task

7. Does Lebern offer emergency maintenance services?
Answer: Yes, Lebern provides emergency maintenance services to address urgent situations and equipment failures outside of regular working hours.

8. Can Lebern provide a cost estimate for maintenance services?
Answer: Yes, Lebern can provide a cost estimate after evaluating the specific maintenance requirements of your equipment or property.

9. Do I need to be present during the maintenance service provided by Lebern?
Answer: It is not always necessary for you to be present during Lebern’s maintenance service, but it is advisable for you or a representative to be available to answer any questions the technicians may have.

10. What if additional repairs are needed during maintenance provided by Lebern?
Answer:  If additional repairs are required during maintenance provided by Lebern, our technicians will inform you about the issues, provide a detailed explanation, and discuss the necessary steps and costs involved.

11. Does Lebern offer maintenance contracts?
Answer: Yes, Lebern offers maintenance contracts that provide regular scheduled maintenance, priority service, and cost savings compared to individual service requests.

12. Can Lebern provide references or testimonials from previous clients?
Answer:  Yes, Lebern can provide references or testimonials upon request, demonstrating our track record and customer satisfaction.

13. Does Lebern offer maintenance services for residential properties?
Answer: Yes.

14. Can Lebern customize maintenance plans based on my requirements?
Answer:  Absolutely! Lebern can work with you to develop a customized maintenance plan that aligns with your specific needs and budget.